I get to see lots of customer's intarsia projects. Of varying quality!
So it's a real pleasure when Ray took one of my free designs and improved it by adding a simple frame and contrasting timber colours.
That used timber frame looks stunning.I especially like the inclusion of the old bolt holes, although I'm not sure if I would have spaced them symmetrically on either side. But that's just being picky.
There are a couple of things that I'd change though.
This is what Ray said about this piece.
"My first take on your free elephant plans. I noticed the eyes were better on the big plans so I improvised a little on my small one.
I also didn't want the trunk to have all the shapes and different woods since I am low on supplies so I again improvised there.
I made depth changes as well to the ears to add interest.
I used old red oak flooring for the body and reclaimed maple for ears, head and trunk. I replaced the oak rails on a bench and used the old weathered ones for the frame. This project is 100% reused woods and a scrap piece of plywood for the backing."
There are a couple of things I'd change.
- I wouldn't sand over the joins as much as Ray has. Particularly noticeable are the lines above and below the eyes. They make the head look a little distorted.
- The light coloured timber Ray has used for the head and ears contrasts nicely with the dark frame. But this means the tusks don't really stand out although I do like the timber Ray chose for the tusks.
But overall it's a great piece. Check out more of Ray's intarsia projects below.